• Boston is jam-packed with the most amazing stuff to do, instead of being a compact city. Culture lovers can visit top museums like the Museum of Fine Arts and the galleries in the South End, while history buffs will appreciate the city's rich colonial heritage. Apart from having top-notch hotels and restaurants, it has, of course, the most popular Red Sox baseball. Here are some of the best things to do if you’re heading to Boston. Visit here by taking the most comfortable and safest flights of Turkish Airlines.


    Turkish Airlines
    You cannot get enough when you start exploring Boston, one of New England’s most charming waterfront cities. But due to its completely walkable downtown and compact space, it’s easy to see the highlights in a long weekend. With creative new restaurants and contemporary accommodations, this historic city has been reinventing its dining and hotel scene. Some of the best Bean Town attractions, like the gas-lit streets and Federal-style row homes, will never change. Check out this comprehensive itinerary before planning a vacation in Boston.
    Visit the Freedom Trail
    The Freedom Trail is one of the most popular attractions of Boston. Now, this isn’t a monument or a museum, but a trail that takes you some of the most popular places in the city.
    The tour is about 2 miles long, and goes across downtown Boston, passing through some of the best tourist spots of the city, as a matter of fact; it goes through at least 14 tourists places.
    If you want to see these tourists while being on a very famous path, then it is the right place for you. Just make sure you bring your most comfortable shoes and your best energy! Book your flights to this place via Turkish Airlines Reservations.
    Important Information:
    1. It’s a sightseeing place.
    2. It’s free to walk through although some places do require you to pay to get in.
    3. You can get a CityPass (Boston Card) you won’t have to pay those fees.
    Visit the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway
    Boston is famous for two things: Their museums and parks, and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Park is one of the most beautiful places in the city, and one of the most visited ones.
    Located near the Atlantic Avenue in Boston, this extensive park is a great place to walk around, enjoy the green areas, the multiple fountains and, you can also get to see the display of arts temporarily that are usually shown in the park.
    If you are looking forward to spending a more chill out day away from the city hustle, while still being in Boston, then this is honestly the right place for you. Reach here via Turkish Airlines.
    Important Information:
    1. It’s free. You don’t have to pay to get in.
    2. It’s a sightseeing experience.
    3. It’s open from 7 AM to 11 PM, every day
    Book your fantastic journey to the mesmerizing Boston at special discounts and deals via Turkish Airlines Reservations. Don’t let the opportunity of such a budget-friendly journey to Boston slip from your hands. Reserve your tickets now!

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